Are You Pregnant?
Know Your Options | Understanding Emergency Contraception | Post Abortion Stress/Trauma
If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be facing some difficult decisions. Please know that you are not alone. First Choice for Women is a safe place, and we will stand by your side from pregnancy and beyond. We believe that a woman’s life should be valued just as highly as the child she carries. That’s why we offer women—regardless of age, race, religion, or ability to pay—a number of free, confidential services in a loving, non-judgmental environment.
Know Your Options
Abortion, adoption, and parenting are all options some people choose when a pregnancy surprises them. Our trained client advocates have helped thousands of women make informed decisions, and we want to help you too. First there are two questions you need to answer:
Am I really pregnant? It is possible to have a positive test at home and not be pregnant. The best way to confirm your pregnancy is to visit us and take a free, medical-grade pregnancy test. We also offer limited obstetrical ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy when medically appropriate.
How far along am I? How far along you are will determine what kind of abortion procedure would be required, which impacts cost and health risks. Based on the information provided about your last menstrual cycle, we can estimate how far along you are. Limited obstetrical ultrasound may also aide in determining gestational age.
Once you’ve determined that you are pregnant, you have three options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Explore all three options below, and know that whatever option you choose, we are here to help. Contact us to set up an appointment or conversation.
Understanding Emergency Contraception
If you recently had unprotected sex or the condom broke, you might be feeling anxious about the possibility of pregnancy. Emergency contraception is any type of birth control used after unprotected intercourse or a known or suspected contraceptive failure to prevent pregnancy. Emergency contraception may reduce the chance of pregnancy. These medications are reported to work in several possible ways: Delaying ovulation, blocking sperm from joining with an egg, or preventing a fertilized egg from implanting—some may consider this a very early abortion. Your body and your health are important, so take the time necessary to make the best decision possible.
Post Abortion Stress/Trauma
Abortion can be a traumatic experience for some people, women and men alike. The loss of pregnancy through abortion may be far in the past, but the memories remain. We know that in many cases the pain of loss may initially be buried; women who have had an abortion often suffer from symptoms of post-abortion stress decades after the experience. You may feel alone, but you’re not. We will walk alongside you, assisting you as you work through this difficult time.
What is Post-Abortion Stress/Trauma?
PAS/T is a condition that can occur in both men and women after an abortion experience due to unresolved psychological, physical and spiritual aspects. Family members can also be affected. Symptoms of PAS/T may not appear all at once, nor will each person experience all of them, but if you find that you are experiencing between 5 and 7 of the following emotions after an abortion, you might consider seeking help for post abortion stress/trauma. Also note that sometimes these symptoms happen immediately, and sometimes they may not surface for years, or even decades, following the procedure.
Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress Trauma
Abusive behavior
Alcohol and/or drug use
Avoids baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Changes in relationships / marriage (70% of relationships/marriages break up within 1 year of an abortion, 90% within 5 years)
Control issues
Crying spells
Difficulty in all types of intimacy
Divides time into “before” and “after” the abortion
Eating disorders
Fails to bond with subsequent children
Loss of interest in sex
Loss of normal sources of pleasure
Marital stress
Need of financial success
Over-protective of living children
Promiscuity or frigidity
Reduced motivation
Self-punishing and / or self-degrading behavior
Sleep disturbances
Strained relationship with living children
Suicidal impulses
Tolerates abusive relationships
Wants atonement / replacement child
Some women and men who struggle with past abortion experiences say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion and its risk before they made that choice. If you or someone you know is experiencing regret from an abortion, we offer confidential, compassionate support designed to help women and men work through these feelings. You are not alone, many of our advocates have been where you are. Please contact us to learn more about our post-abortion recovery program.