Our confidential services meet each individual at their unique point of need, with a loving, non-judgmental approach, by offering free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, free pregnancy options education, free parenting classes, material assistance, free post-abortive recovery, free healthy relationships education, and free Bible study.
We welcome and accept all individuals in East Central Indiana facing difficult life decisions, regardless of age, race, religion, or ability to pay.
Free Pregnancy Tests
First Choice for Women provides free pregnancy tests, medically accurate information, and options education for those with a positive test. We offer a confidential, compassionate, and non-judgmental setting for women and men facing unplanned pregnancies, no matter the situation.
**We do not perform abortions or refer for abortion services
Free Ultrasounds
First Choice offers limited obstetric ultrasounds to confirm that the pregnancy is located within the uterus, to detect a heartbeat, and to determine the gestational age (or how may weeks you are pregnant) when medically appropriate.
Our ultrasound exams are provided by trained sonographers and/or registered nurse and read by a physician. The sonograms are provided free of charge and are completely confidential.
Performing an ultrasound exam during pregnancy is very safe and painless procedure. The ultrasound uses no radiation exposure.
We do not use ultrasound to determine sex.
Free ultrasound available by appointment as indicated by a medical assessment
Online request for ultrasound appointments are tentative until confirmed by one of our staff
Additional restrictions may apply
Contact us if you would like to be a model. (Models are volunteer pregnant women who receive free ultrasounds while helping us continue to be able to provide free services to the community.)
**We do not perform abortions or refer for abortion services
Pregnancy Options Education
Many young women feel unprepared and trapped in their circumstances, but the trained volunteers at First Choice for Women are here to guide them through this difficult time in an atmosphere of compassion and love. We provide clear, accurate, realistic information about the choices you have in a confidential, non-judgmental environment—without pressure, without politics, and without propaganda.
**We do not perform abortions or refer for abortion services
Parenting Classes Available at No Cost
Our desire is to help parents/guardians become the best parents/guardians possible. We believe that education and mentoring are key elements in this process; therefore, our ParentCare program incorporates both of these influences to assist parents/guardians when faced with obstacles in raising children.
Our ParentCare curriculum includes over 200 lessons that are presented in various mediums, including videos and written materials. Clients can learn about a wide range of topics that encompass everything from prenatal care and newborn care to disciplining with love and dealing with the terrible twos. Volunteer mentors who have experienced many of the joys and challenges associated with parenting meet one-on-one with our clients and aid in the development of an individualized lesson plan based on the client’s specific needs.
Clients earn Baby Bucks for attending our ParentCare classes! Baby Bucks are redeemable in our ParentCare Store, which offers baby clothes, accessories, and so much more.
Material Assistance
First Choice for Women wants to encourage everyone to enjoy the benefits of our ParentCare program, but for those who choose not to participate, we offer a modest supply of the following free of charge.
Baby Food
Baby Cereal
*Items are subject to availability
Abortion Recovery Support
Troubled by a past abortion? We can help.
Abortion, without a doubt, can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a person’s life. The loss of pregnancy through abortion may be far in your past, but the memories remain. You may feel alone, but you’re not! We will walk alongside you, assisting you as you work through this difficult time. We know that in many cases the pain of loss may initially be buried; women who have had an abortion often suffer from symptoms of post-abortion grief decades after the experience. We’ve seen abortion trauma surface through relationship difficulties, depression, physical problems, psychological issues, and spiritual struggles.
Surrendering the Secret
First Choice for Women is one of the only nationally trained “Surrendering the Secret” organizations in the state of Indiana. Surrendering the Secret is a 6-step biblical healing model for women who feel they have never completely healed or recovered from an abortion experience, or that a past abortion may be affecting their current quality of life. Surrendering the Secret is a study designed to bring women together who understand the need for seeking peace with the past and desire a better understanding of God’s plan for making the most painful losses of our past work for His glory.
Our mission is to provide a supportive and confidential environment that facilitates healing and restoration from a past abortion while bringing a sense of hope and purpose for the future.
What is post-abortion stress/trauma?
PAS/T is a condition that can occur in both men and women after an abortion experience due to unresolved psychological, physical, and spiritual aspects. Family members can also be affected. Symptoms are similar to those in any post-traumatic stress disorder. Basically, it is the personal struggle to work through thoughts and feelings about the abortion and previous pregnancy. The goal is to come to peace with those involved in the decision-making process as well as the loss of life. Although some men/women are better equipped to deal with the aftermath of an abortion, EVERYONE is changed by it. As one woman quoted: “Once I laid on that table, I was never the same.” Symptoms of PAS/T may not appear all at once, nor will each person experience all of them, but if you find that you are experiencing between 5 and 7 of the following emotions after an abortion, you might consider seeking help for post abortion stress/trauma. Also note that sometimes these symptoms happen immediately and sometimes they may not surface for years, or even decades following the procedure.
Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress Trauma
Abusive behavior
Alcohol and/or drug use
Avoids baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Changes in relationships / marriage (70% of relationships/marriages break up within 1 year of an abortion, 90% within 5 years)
Control issues
Crying spells
Difficulty in all types of intimacy
Divides time into “before” and “after” the abortion
Eating disorders
Fails to bond with subsequent children
Loss of interest in sex
Loss of normal sources of pleasure
Marital stress
Need of financial success
Over-protective of living children
Promiscuity or frigidity
Reduced motivation
Self-punishing and / or self-degrading behavior
Sleep disturbances
Strained relationship with living children
Suicidal impulses
Tolerates abusive relationships
Wants atonement / replacement child
We can help, and all services are free and confidential. To schedule an appointment or to speak with a trained peer advocate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, please call us at (765) 286-6060.
Creating Positive Relationships Curriculum
MISSION: Building character in young people, empowering them to develop healthy relationships benefiting their communities and society.
First Choice for Women is excited to offer the Creating Positive Relationships curriculum to area schools in Delaware and Madison Counties. During the previous school year, over 3,100 students were reached with this positive curriculum that addresses important life decisions, including resisting peer pressure, goal-setting, respecting one’s self and others, setting safe limits for physical affection, and information on sexual health, including abstinence education.
The Creating Positive Relationships Program is based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Each classroom instructor from First Choice for Women attends extensive training prior to entering a classroom. Additional information on the program, including a current synopsis of what is taught in each grade, may be found at cpr4teens.org.
Questions or concerns specifically regarding the curriculum should be directed toward CPR headquarters at:
PO Box 502489 Indianapolis, IN 46250
Phone: 317-669-6030
Email: office@cpr4teens.org
Questions or concerns about the Creating Positive Relationships Program being taught locally through the First Choice for Women abstinence education program may be directed to:
First Choice for Women
Healthy Relationships Director
3020 N. Oakwood Ave
Muncie, IN 47304
Office Phone: (765) 286-6085
Email: bethany@firstchoiceforwomen.org
Bible Study
First Choice Faith & Fellowship Group
Join our First Choice Faith & Fellowship Group at our Anderson location for our weekly Bible Study! Whether you're interested in exploring scripture or simply want to connect with others in a supportive environment, our sessions offer something for everyone. Our dedicated leaders will guide the discussions, making it a meaningful time for all who attend. We can’t wait to see you there!
We're also looking for passionate leaders to help guide the First Choice Faith & Fellowship Group at our Muncie location. If you’re interested in deepening your faith while leading others in discussion and fellowship, we’d love to have you join our team. Reach out to us to learn more about this opportunity at info@firstchoiceforwomen.org