A Message from the Chair

I saw the movie, “Unplanned” with my husband shortly after it was released. I have since thought a lot about the workers in the abortion industry and the things they see on a daily basis.

The subject of this true story is Abby, who had worked for Planned Parenthood for years, but never really knew what was happening in the back room where the abortions were performed.  As she was called in to help with an emergency, she witnessed an abortion, a horrific sight, which completely changed her heart.

Our response to these abortion workers may initially be judgement or anger, but I believe a better response would be, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do”. We know from experience that criticism and anger do nothing to change the narrative.  But what we cannot change, God certainly can.  Our prayers for the unborn and the women and men who face unplanned pregnancies are critically important, but we need to do more, we need to get involved.

Debating terminology about when life begins and the value of the unborn does not seem to be making a difference. Political figures, who consistently vote to allow abortion up to the time of birth, are not influenced or impacted by what the pro-life movement says or does. The pro-abortion activists are generally closed-minded to the reality that abortion is the destruction of a life that has value and a purpose.

There have been many people throughout history who have desired to be like God; all the way back to Adam and Eve, who listened to the serpent who said, “when you eat from the tree, you will be like God, knowing good from evil”.  Knowing good from evil came with a heavy price when sin entered our world and people began to make decisions that only God should make.  The decision Cain made to take the life of his brother was the first recorded homicide, and yet God protected Cain.

We need to take sides on this issue, because neutrality often gives way to the oppressor, not the victim.  But in our side-taking, we have to remember that God desires to see each of the individuals involved in the abortion industry come to Him.  We must pray for these political figures, activists, and the clinic workers - these imperfect flesh and blood workers. Our prayers matter, and God hears.

First Choice for Women takes our responsibility seriously; helping women make life-affirming decisions about their unborn children and sharing the Gospel is in our very core.  We believe that every life has value - the baby’s life, the mother’s life, the father’s life - and we are here to nurture those lives.

We are grateful for the support of so many who advocate for life with us through prayer, volunteerism and financial resources. We could not do this critically important work without you!


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