Volunteer Spotlight: Angela Saval

angela-volunteerAngela attends St. Francis of Assisi and partnered with First Choice after she saw a need in our community and followed the Holy Spirit’s prompting to find a way to meet that need.“The Holy Spirit stirred my conscience and made me recognize the need for formula for the babies. I couldn’t stand the thought that a baby may go hungry or have their food rationed and not get the vital sustenance they need.”After some research, Angela found programs which offered free formula samples and other baby coupons. She then recruited seven other concerned ladies and formed Baby Champions. Angela is truly an Everyday Hero!Baby Champions has given over $825 in general coupons, $430 in formula donations and over $480 in baby supply donations. If you would like to participate or have any questions about the Baby Champions program, you may email Angela at babychampions2014@gmail.com or visit http://babychampions2014.wix.com/babychampions (password babychampions2014).


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