Offering Hope for 30 Years

Dear Friends,

Summer has arrived and we are feelin’ the heat - in more ways than one! In a literal sense, as the high temperatures hit, three of our five central air units were not functioning properly; one of which is completely out of commission. In a figurative sense, the financial impact of a 20% increase in clients (which has produced a need for 25 new crib and mattress sets this summer), along with the HVAC issues, is melting our pocketbook!

Although the increase in clientele is a fantastic problem to have, it is still a challenge for us as we simply do not have the additional funds to make these needed purchases. In addition, we continue to see steady growth in Parent Care, pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, and anticipate a further increase of approximately 20% by year-end. This produces not only a financial need, but also a need for more volunteers as we seek to extend clinic hours to serve the young women and families who come to us for help each week.

In addition to our regular monthly expenses, we will need approximately $8,000 in July to cover these costs and are asking for your help - help to keep our clients cool, and help to provide a safe place for a child to sleep this summer. Your involvement is vital to our ability to meet the needs of these young women, and to our over-all sustainability.

We are also asking that you help raise awareness of First Choice for Women and our efforts to share the love of Jesus Christ with those facing unplanned pregnancies. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and church family about First Choice and how they can make a difference in the life of a young woman in crisis. Invite a First Choice representative to speak to your small group, church, or organization…let’s get the word out about this life-affirming ministry!

We are truly grateful for all of our partners and understand that financial support may not be an option at this time. For those who feel led to volunteer, monthly training sessions are available. Please contact us today to learn more about this awesome opportunity to be a life changing influence in our community!

In closing, please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift to support this ministry…a gift of your time, talents or finances can save and change a life for an eternity!


In His Service, 

Lisa Miller,

Chief Executive Officer    

“Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.”

~ 2 Corinthians 1:7 (ESV)


Presidential Perspective


Union Chapel Ministries SERVE Week!