You Are… Chosen
On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 12:30 pm, We would LOVE to see YOU at our first “Chosen” meeting of the year at First Choice for Women (6 W 8th Street, Anderson, IN).
Closed for the Holidays
We will be closed from December 20th through January 1, 2024 for the Holidays.
Three new programs have been established over the past two years, our Fatherhood Initiative, the Mobile Unit, and Toddler Milestones. The Fatherhood Initiative has become an anchor for our male clients. Dads are often relegated to the sidelines of a pregnancy decision, but they can now meet with male volunteers who empower them to have a voice. Confident, involved fathers lead to more stable families and better outcomes for their children.
Closed for the Holidays
We will be closing December 21st and reopening January 4th for the Holidays! If you are in need of practical needs for those two weeks please come see us before Friday December 18th!
First Choice for Women Announces New Executive Director
The Board of Directors of First Choice is excited and honored to announce our new Executive Director. Our Search Committee has reviewed numerous resumes and applications. We conducted interviews with many candidates who had the qualifications, but one candidate has not only a proven track record but also a passion for this ministry.
Edgewood Baptist Church
This quarter, First Choice for Women recognizes another one of our wonderful supporting churches, Edgewood Baptist Church. Pastor Andy Lutz has led the ministry since 2000 alongside his wife of 22 years, Heather Lutz.
Did You Know?
United Way Gives
Did you know that First Choice for Women can receive donations through the United Way? Simply designate the funds to First Choice for Women when pledging through your company’s United Way campaign drive!
All About Abstinence
Unfortunately, many people believe that Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is superior to abstinence-only programs. While CSE can include abstinence-only information, it also includes information on “safe sex” practices, which is a form of risk reduction, not the risk prevention found in abstinence-only based curriculum like that of the Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) offered by First Choice for Women.
The Client Connection
King David states in Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” The Bible is clear that God is not only the author and creator of life but also has a plan and purpose for each one of us.
Volunteer Spotlight - Debby Vaughn
“I thought about volunteering for quite some time before I decided to listen to my heart and just do it. I’m so thankful I did!”
Making a Difference in Madison Co.
As the Center Director in Anderson and Madison County, I hear the stories, tragedies, and testimonies of the clients we serve every day. It is such a privilege to be a part of an organization that pours grace, love, and compassion into everywoman, child, and family who walks through its doors …women just like Sarah*.
First Choice Anderson to Remain in Madison Avenue Property
Looking back over this past year in Anderson we are abundantly grateful for the many blessings poured out in front of us, but we are also thankful for the growth that came from the challenges that were presented as well.
Operations Overview
You Make a Difference
It has been an honor to serve as CEO in this ministry for the past 6 years. In that time I have witnessed an out-pour of support and growth that is nothing short of miraculous!
A Message from the Chair
We are on a Courageous mission.
At First Choice for Women, we are continually looking for ways to improve and expand our services. With that in mind, we ask that you join us in praying for the provision of our many needs, including volunteers, material support, and financial contributions.
Safe Sleep Practices are Key
The CDC reports about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among U.S. babies each year. According to CDC Director, Brenda Fitzgerald M.D.₂, “unfortunately, too many babies in this country are lost to sleep-related deaths that might be prevented. We must do more to ensure every family knows the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations.”
Halteman Village Baptist Church
Our church spotlight this quarter highlights Halteman Village Baptist Church, located at 4100 N. Oakwood Avenue in Muncie. Founded in 1960, the church has been a staple in northwest Muncie for almost 60 years. Weekly services include Sunday school at 9:30 am and Worship Service at 10:45 am. Their mission is to “Glorify God, share Christ’s hope and equip believers in our community and in our world.”
All About Anderson & Madison County
The rains have passed, the warmer weather has set in, and things are buzzing at the Anderson and Madison County First Choice for Women office!
As we approach our two year anniversary in Anderson, the growing clientele has us bustling like busy little bees and feeling the need to expand center hours!
Client Connection
As Center Director, I have the privilege of training all new volunteers before they serve at First Choice for Women. During the training sessions I enjoy hearing the various reasons participants feel led to volunteer at a pregnancy resource center.
Volunteer Spotlight
Barbara Kollath volunteers several hours every week at our Anderson/Madison County Center. She wears many hats within the ministry and is always eager to step into any role required to serve the women and children in our community.
Kings Academy
Students from Mrs. White's Home Economics class at King's Academy Christian School took part in “Servant Safari” week. This project teaches students ways to serve the community.